How has CCOP impacted you?
Megan, second from right, joins fellow Week One teammates in an ACT Alliance campaign for climate justice.
Fernando Primo Forgioni, Argentina
CCOP2019 @COP25 in Madrid, Spain
If I told you how this program changed my life, words would not be enough. Thanks to the generous support of many people, I learned about COP25. This experience connected me with many people in the scientific and political fields. During COP25 I was able to meet people like Marina Silva (Current Minister of the Environment of Brazil) with whom we have come to form a beautiful friendship and for whom I am currently working. Today I find myself in a place that I never dreamed of in my life.
CCOP is an excellent program where faith is connected with action for our planet, Professors Brian and Lowell provide a fantastic teaching on how Christians must face the challenges of a hotter world.
I think God was overly generous with me in allowing me to be a part of this experience. I encourage you not to miss it!
Rebecca, far right, is ready to head into the Blue Zone for the first day of COP27,
Megan Quinn, USA
CCOP2022 @COP27 in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt
COP27 with the CCOP program was honestly one of the happiest and fulfilling weeks of my life. Before CCOP, I'd often had the feeling of being alone as a Christian climate advocate. But, through the CCOP program, I met so many beautiful people from all over the world that shared both my faith and love of advocating on climate change. Through conversations with both members of the CCOP program and others at COP27, I felt God raising inspiration and hope inside of me that I was not alone. This hope I drew from the CCOP program is what gave me the strength to give over five presentations to members of my community, school, and church back home about climate change and faith, and I'm becoming more involved than I ever have in my church surrounding issues of sustainability. The CCOP experience at COP27 and the relationships I've built continue to be my main gift of motivation as I become more involved in climate advocacy in my community.
Fernando meets IPCC chair, Dr. Hoesung Lee at COP25.
Rebecca Abitimo, Uganda
CCOP2022 @COP27 in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt
Experiencing COP27 being part of the Christian Climate Observer Program at the COP27 convention for the very first time means the world to me in so many ways. Amidst learning how to deal with high emotions associated with climate change tension with God as the true North, I grasped concept of us being responsible for all living things on earth as the scriptures indicate from just looking into the eyes of so many people sharing and truly dedicated to make a difference. My faith based community back at home here in Uganda has benefited tremendously in understanding and actively contributing towards these conversations. . . . I will forever be indebted to the CCOP family for my wonderful experience at COP.