by Tori
I recently graduated from Gordon College, a small evangelical (christian) college in August 2019, with a zeal for explaining science to lay people and the intention to make the world a better place. Initially the post-graduation plan was to move to Boulder, Colorado and start graduate school in atmospheric chemistry, so I could begin building instruments to help inform climate policy. (Ambitious, I am aware.) I moved to Boulder area, but the plan changed after a car accident which caused me to defer graduate school until January 2020. Coincidentally, one of the professors who had been on my thesis committee suggested that I could participate in this program, and see international climate policy talks in action. I applied, and now, here I am. I am looking forward to bring you on this journey with me, as I learn more about what happens at the United Nation's COP25 (conference of the party) and walk alongside activists within my christian perspective, experiencing the last meeting before the Paris Agreement comes into effect.